Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bringing Up Baby

And so it begins.  The accumulation of stuff!  I've heard people say things like, you think you have a lot of stuff now, just wait until you have kids!  And you can't live without this!

I've tried to be wise in my purchases and only get things that I really need, but it's tough when there are a million things out there that say they are must haves!  I wonder if these people would have survived 30 years ago?  Sure there are a lot of things that make life convenient, but is it really necessary?

So far I've only gotten what I deem to be necessary, or at least got a crazy good deal on it, and I'm going to try my hardest to stick to that.  At some point in time, and maybe even now already, you may think I made a crazy purchase that will hardly get used, but just try to warn me ahead of time.  Deal?

Here's what I've gotten so far.
This sling from Seven Everyday Slings.  This is a purchase I got a crazy good deal on.  All I had to do was pay for shipping.  One of the other missionaries here is due just two days before me...I KNOW!   Isn't that fun and crazy!?...And she told me about this website where you can get free stuff and coupons!  I know it's more of a modern day invention, but I think it will come in handy.

Which is why I also purchased this:
All I had to do was pay shipping on this one as well.  We don't have to go into details about it.  I like my modesty.  Which is why I purchased it.  And you can get it here.

From another missionary here I purchased some newborn diapers, because she had extra.  But that's not really a fun thing to post pictures of.  So we'll just skip that.  I am looking to try out the whole cloth diapering thing though.  More on that later.

But more than just material things for Aqua Baby, I want to make sure spiritually, mentally and physically I'm ready to take care of this precious little being. 

So yesterday I purchased this book: 
It can be a daunting task to think about raising a child.  But we have a clean slate.  We're just starting out, so I want to make sure I'm as ready as I can be.  God has given us this responsibility of raising this child, and we're up for the challenge.  You can read a description of the book here on Amazon.  And I'll be sure to do a book review once I'm done with it.

Lastly, as I said...I want to be physically ready for Aqua Baby.  And if you know me, you know how important health and nutrition are to me.  But I have to be honest with you.  I've been in a slump lately. I could tell you the million excuses I have, but no one likes a complainer, so I'll just say I'm getting back in the game and starting over again.  With this:
It's a whole workout plan devoted to pregnancy workouts by tri-mester and beyond!  I was so excited when I came across it.  Each workout is tailored to work with you from pregnancy to baby and beyond.  I've had so many questions about working out and what to do and not do, and this just answered it all for me in one place!  From yoga to cardio and toning, it's all here!  So here's to being a healthy mom for a healthy baby!  For more info, check out the website for yourself here.

And that's it.  Not everything I need to take care of Aqua Baby, but it's a good start.

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