Monday, July 23, 2012

Wise Up Baby

Up until this point it seems like things have been pretty slow going, but according to my sources, we're heading into a growth spurt.  It's taken a while for Desmond to get to the size he is, and he's always measured small, but from here on out he'll be fattening up.  Let's just hope it's more him than me! =)  
I've been trying my hardest to maintain my weight but it's been difficult.  We're still moving almost everyday, I've missed a few days here and there, but for the most part I've been consistent.  I just wanted to be this super fit Mom since I worked so hard to lose all of my weight before having him, but I've had to readjust my expectations a bit.  And I'm pretty ok with that...well most days.  But I'm pretty set on us being a healthy active family.  No exceptions there!   
I'm still trying to educate myself as well and get mentally prepared for taking care of a new person.  Some friends of ours sent along their copy of Baby Wise in the big box we got from home and I've already started diving into it.  It's been both beneficial and enlightening thus far and I'm excited to keep reading on.  I'll let you know more about my thoughts the deeper I get into it.  But it's definitely time to wise up!  
But as we're heading to the end more fears of actually giving birth are starting to creep in.  Why should I be worried though???  I mean there's nearly 7 billion people on this planet, so it should be pretty easy right?  

1 comment:

  1. Baby wise was awesome for us. I guess it all depends on baby and parents style. I definitely had no problem with "cry it out" and it worked on my kids. Some kids it doesn't. I do think a majority of kids respond better to a schedule than don't. We also stuck to our schedule no matter where we were. I would cover their carseats with a blanket at naptime and the kids would just fall asleep right there. It made it MUCH easier for us to have the flexibility to be out and about for longer. The toddler years you are more housebound at nap time, it's just the nature of the age. the more flexible you can train your kid to be, the better, especially if you have a busy life.

    BUT. I know that for some families it is easier said than done. Maybe I had magical kids, maybe I had higher resolve to MAKE them, I don't know ;)
