Monday, June 11, 2012

25 Weeks

Oh Little Desmond...your Dad is hilarious!  He really knows how to make me laugh.  Though some times he claims I don't laugh at his jokes like I used to, but it's not true.  He is such a funny man.  And I absolutely love him to pieces!  He made it hard for me to get any serious pictures today.
I'm still feeling really well aside from the occasional day when sleepiness seems to hit me and knock me out for a while.  I've always hated naps, but there are some days I just can't fight it and closing my eyes is all I can do.  But there's still 105 days left to go.  Oh mercy.
People have been telling me they can finally tell I'm pregnant and every day I feel Desmond moving around and around.  He's probably quite annoyed with me as I like to poke my belly and try to get him to move around, just so I know he's there.  Though there aren't huge mile stones each and every week that are noticeable to anyone else, I love that as each week passes things become more real.
I am feeling a little antsy to finish getting his room set up and making sure he'll have everything he needs once he enters this world.  After all, I'm not sure I'll be of much use when he gets to be the size of a small pumpkin.  The thought of that still scares me a little.  We've gotta get movin...
I show Jordan new pictures of clothes and bed sheets all of the time!  I'm trying not to get too anxious and just enjoy each and every moment and be patient...and obviously that fluctuates from day to day...after all, I am a pregnant woman.

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