Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I've Created a Monster

Or maybe it's created me!  Regardless I think this baby's gonna have some spunk.
Week 13 and 3 days.  So I'm a little late.  But I feel like nothing's changing.  All the time I look at my pictures from the sonogram, and listen to the heartbeat and think, is that really inside me!?  It still doesn't seem real.
Funny how I go from feeling huge, to wishing I at least had a baby bump so I could see that there's a reason for getting bigger.  But I think there will be plenty of months of that, so I'm working on the patience thing still.
Just waiting...
I'm feeling great and feel like my energy is up more!  Me and the baby are doin just fine.  Maybe more than fine.  Remember when I told you that when they tried to catch it on the sonogram it was all over the place?  Maybe we'll have another runner in the family.  And let's talk about cravings...I want everything hot, hot, hot!
Give me jalapenos, hot sauce, pepperoncinis!  Just give me the heat!  So is it me?  Or do we have a little feisty baby on our hands?  
I guess the good news is he or she will keep me moving! 

1 comment:

  1. Adorable! I could NOT eat spicy food with Tyler, it made me so sick! But a could with the girls. Go figure that Tyler is the only one who likes spicy food now!
