Monday, September 24, 2012


I suppose if things started moving and Desmond decided to come rather quickly, he could still be born today, but I find that to be unlikely.  I'm not upset about it at all.  It's just funny to me how so many people get to this point and still no baby.  You think they would come up with a better name than DUE DATE.  It sounds so official, but it's not at all.
We're anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little boy, but we've been ok with the waiting.  I told Jordan the other night my stomach felt weird and he was like WHAT!?  You're not going into labor now are you!?  I wasn't but we both kind of looked at each other stunned, realizing we really are having a baby!  I is it still shocking to us?  I dunno.  But it is.
But there's also so much excitement in it.  It's amazing to me how much love can grow inside of you for this person you only know at a distance but still so well because they're a part of you.  Jordan holds his arms out all of the time pretend holding Desmond and I think it's the cutest thing in the world.  He's been so giddy and jumpy lately!  I have a feeling I know what he was like as a kid when Christmas rolled around.  I love how excited he is to be a Dad and love our little boy.
See--Stunned with excitement!!

In my last post you read about how chill Desmond was during our sonogram.  It wasn't alarming to me and no one really seemed to make an issue of it at the time, but Friday I got a call from my doctor that she was concerned, which is something you never want to hear.  She wasn't happy with his lack of movement and told me he didn't score well on the things they were needing to test and I would have to go back in on Saturday to see if things were any different and if they weren't I would need to be induced.  SATURDAY!?  That seemed like a million years away.  I told Jordan the news, and broke down before I could make it through my last sentence.  We stood there hugging and I just watched the clock, which seemed to be frozen in time.  And then Jordan prayed.
I loved that that's the first place he wanted to go.  To our Heavenly Father.  Knowing that things were out of our control, but not His.  I prayed in my heart that God would help me to have that same kind of faith.  That no matter what happened, I would continue to trust Him.  I wanted it to be there automatically, but I just prayed that God would grant me the grace for my head and my heart to match up.  We sent out a text to all of the missionaries here with us, and began to receive great encouragement and peace began to fill our home and hearts.  LuAnn, one of the most thoughtful ladies I know, called and talked things through with us, and prayed for us.  Our car is still not working, so she volunteered to come get us in the morning and be with us to help us figure out what to do upon hearing whatever results came our way.
I slept as much as I could that night and when the light of Saturday morning hit we gathered all of our things and asked a few more people to pray for us and continued in a heart of prayer ourselves as we headed to the hospital.   After some waiting they ushered me back into the room.  They did all of their tests and took all of their measurements and then went and got Jordan.  With big smiles they assured us that everything was normal and Desmond was doing great and showed us all of his beautiful organs and limbs.  His hands were again up by his face and as we were counting all of his fingers he gave us a thumbs up!  They were happy to see how happy and energetic he was moving across the screen and a great weight was lifted.
We took the results to my doctor and her advice was to come back Thursday.  Thursday!?  Now that's far away.  We're just in the waiting game now.  Desmond watch 2012 is in full effect.

1 comment:

  1. Nikki,
    You are seriously such a beautiful pregnant gal!
    I remembered that you had a fitness blog (um, SO inspiring!) that you linked to your facebook back in the day and I decided to try and hunt it down to see any updates on you (ya know, bc Instagram only tells me so much about you and your little man on the way!)and I found your blog. Besides just admiring your lovely pictures and how cute your little family is, I wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you. I read this post I and I know firsthand the anxiety that pregnancy can bring. It was a huge journey for Justin and I to have a family (looooong story)and even at the end of my pregnancy with Grace I was so worried and anxious. Then, as I was having a meltdown and crying out to God, He so gently and clearly reminded me that he is indeed in control and that He is good. I read through the faith section in Hebrews about how God provided for the Israelites through manna and because it was only good for one day, it kept them coming back to God and He, in turn, kept providing. You seem like you've really got your head on straight and your faith in Jesus is SO evident. I hope that there is encouragement in knowing and trusting in God's perfect sovereignty moment by moment and not freaking out over the futures and the "what if's". All to say, you're being prayed for by an old and far away friend :)
