Thursday, August 30, 2012

1 Month Left

Or more or less...

With this little guy who really knows?  I mean he's already done everything in his own accord and decides to make us wait until he's good and ready.  So we'll just wait and be patient until he decides he's ready to enter this world.  But we sure are ready for him.  Almost! =)
We've been working hard at getting all of his clothes separated and washed, and Jordan's been vacating his office so Desmond can have a room.  We still have lots to do, but with each new day we can't wait till he's here with us.  I know it will probably come quickly and we'll wonder how it happened so fast and then the next thing you know we'll be sending him off to college.
Ok ok, maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself but I'm realizing more and more how precious life and time are and how we just need to slow down and enjoy.  And slowing down I am.  I feel so lethargic these days.  No longer can I speed walk through the mall, or lift big things, and go for hours.  I tucker out pretty fast and I hate it.  I'm ready to have my old energy back.  But will it ever come?  That is the question.  I know life is about to become drastically different and things will never really be the same.  But it's ok.  We're ready to embrace a new normal.

1 comment:

  1. You are adorable. I know you get told that all the time. It is very true and I hope you believe it!
