Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Birth Story Part 1

I don't even know where to begin in describing the events of the past few days...   

All of the waiting, all of the preparations, and not to mention all of the pain were worth every single ounce of this bundle of joy we call our son!
William Desmond Lars Nisly entered the world at 1:15 am on October the 2nd.  Weighing in at 6 lbs. 14 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long.
As you read in Week 41's post things began happening over the weekend and we had our fingers crossed he would soon be with us.  Things kept progressing and I contacted my doctor and she suggested I go directly to the pre-labor room of the hospital.  We waited it out for a while and around 3:30pm made our way there to see what we should do next.  And in great character as soon as I got all of the machines strapped on to me, Desmond stopped.  They came over and asked how my pain tolerance was and I smiled and said...oh it's fine.  I haven't felt a thing since we've been here.  Really kid!?  After 30 minutes they contacted Dr. Rivera and I was to make my way to another floor to get everything checked out again to make sure he was still ok.  As soon as I stood up the contractions started coming again.  He scored 8/8 on all of testing and the technician made mention of all of the contractions I was having during her exam.  The doctor was notified and I was given my options: be admitted and just sit around, take some laps around the hospital, or head home and come back when things were different.  We chose the latter and made our way back home.  I Skyped my Mom and Dad to give them an update and hung up with them and that's when things really began rolling.  We started timing them and as I walked around they were coming on every 2 minutes.  I laid down to give myself a break and they never really slowed.  Jordan convinced me it was time to go.  After leaving the hospital just 3 hours previous, we were already making our way back.  
Our friend Kelly met us there to be of help to us during the whole process and we were all hoping for good news.  As soon as I was strapped in, there was no doubt that this was it.  The doctor told me whatever I was doing definitely worked and it was time to be admitted.  The calls were made, the room was prepped, and we were in there within the hour.  Dr. Rivera's Resident greeting us and told me he thought I was awesome for wanting a natural birth and he was in full favor of it, and would be cheering me on.  And then it happened.  The point where I began to give up.  I tried to prepare myself for that moment before hand but being there, everything changed.  Jordan and Kelly encouraged me to keep going and just work my way through each one, and so I gave it my best through a few more.  I told Jordan I was done and I couldn't take it anymore. I was asked like five times if I was sure, and I was wondering why no one would listen to me.  It felt like forever and I just wanted some relief.  We asked how much longer it would be and the prediction was two hours...two hours...And so they called for the anesthesiologist.  At that point I felt like I wasn't in the room anymore.  Everyone was there talking and I could here them, but I felt so far away.  I prayed God would continue to give me the strength and the next thing I was time to push.  And then the anesthesiologist showed up and it was too late.  Those next few minutes were some of the most surreal moments of my life and I just focused on gripping Jordan's hand as hard as I could knowing at any minute our child would be here.  And then he was.  And time stood still for a moment.  And the pain that felt like it would never end all melted away. I sat in awe as I starred at my baby boy.  
Our hearts are absolutely overflowing with such joy and can't believe this little gift that God has given us.  Our lives will never be the same...

1 comment:

  1. "And the pain that felt like it would never end all melted away." Yup! So awesome! You go girl! With Lily it was the same way, I reached that point where I couldn't take it anymore, they had their hand on the phone to call and I said, "Wait, wait! I need to push NOW!" The nurse laughed because literally two minutes ago I was an 8, but she checked me and said "DON'T PUSH, we need to find a doctor NOW!!" They literally pulled a guy out of the hallway and 10 minutes later there was Lily!
