I'm still in such awe of all that transpired over the course of a few days. Giving birth is a thing of wonder and amazement.
I know I'm the one who actually brought this kid into the world, but I must give a shout out to the awesome team of people who helped me through it. I couldn't have done it without them!
(As you can see from the clock...just over 30 minutes after Desmond was born)
It's funny...everyone kept warning me about how I might be feeling in the moment and to think about what I would want everyone around me to be doing. But honestly there came a point where I couldn't think about my surroundings and all I knew was I just wanted Jordan close. He's my best friend and I've been so blessed to be his wife and now start a family with him. He was so encouraging and so supportive throughout the whole pregnancy and all of the way up to the end. I love this man so much and I'm so glad he was there to experience all of this with me.
And then there's Kelly. She's the first person I called when we found out the big news, so having her there in the end brought things around full circle. She was a huge help throughout my pregnancy, always answering any questions I had. And it was nice having someone there who had gone through the whole process in the same place just months before. She helped to calm Jordan which helped to calm me and gave us both much relief through the whole situation. So thank you Kelly! We are forever grateful to you and were so blessed to share this moment with you!

This is just a small number of the people who were in the room during the delivery. I think I was the only one there at the time, so everyone was available to be a part of my birth! HA! Jordan said there were probably 11 people in there at one time. But I was completely unaware of it all...mostly. That's Dr. Rivera in the orange. She made a few jokes which helped lighten the mood and helped me to focus and keep calm. Everyone there did a wonderful job and were all cheering upon is arrival. He didn't know he'd have such a party waiting for him.
After I had a chance to hold him and let our family bond together, they took him away for just a few minutes to get him all cleaned up and measured. Dad looked on to make sure everything was ok.
I loved getting to see Jordan hold him for the very first time. It was such a special moment and one I will not soon forget. He has such pride and love for this little boy.
I can't believe it's all over now. Those days and moments felt so long and yet passed so quickly. We ran on pure adrenaline and love for nearly 3 days straight. We are all doing well and trying to adjust to our new normal and life could not be better. Thanks for following the journey all along the way! And you can be sure, there will be so much more to document and share as Desmond makes his way in this world!